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Aussicht von einer hohen Baustelle auf die Skyline von Hamburg

Lawyer for neighboring legal areas in Hamburg (Germany)

We offer our clients not only comprehensive advice in the areas of real estate, construction, architectural and tenancy law, but also in related special legal areas .

With our holistic approach We support our clients in all phases of their business and private real estate and construction projects, because long-term relationships with our clients are particularly important to us.

We attach great importance to the
economic success of our clients and strive to offer them sustainable solutions and strategic advice .

We have an
extensive network that we can draw on to complement our expertise in specialized secondary areas .

We advise you in the following areas:

law firm in the Green Quarter


  • Project- related process management through contract progress (service content, costs, deadlines, etc. )

  • adjudication (planning and construction phase)

  • mediation

  • mediation and arbitration proceedings

Lawyer for extrajudicial settlement proceedings in Hamburg

law firm in the Green Quarter

  • Legal advice on sustainability criteria throughout the entire life cycle of real estate (ESG compliance)

  • Formulation of sustainability goals (e.g. KfW Efficiency House, Sustainable Building Quality Seal or Sustainable Construction Assessment System) or the use of environmentally friendly materials and technologies as quality agreements in real estate and construction contracts

  • Legal support in concluding a certification contract with a registered assessment system for sustainable construction ( see here ) for the purpose of obtaining the Sustainable Building Quality Seal or the BNB Certificate

Lawyer for the law of sustainable construction and sustainable real estate

law firm in the Green Quarter

  • Creditworthiness and insolvency checks of contractual partners for contractors and clients

  • Security agreements (e.g. performance and warranty guarantee or security retention)

  • Pre-insolvency corporate reorganization and restructuring according to StaRUG and ESUG

  • Advice on the opening of insolvency proceedings due to (imminent) insolvency and over-indebtedness of the client or construction and general contractor, property developer as well as architects and engineers

  • Registration, securing and enforcement of the claims and rights of construction contract parties (e.g. termination, defect rights, (residual) compensation claims, supplements) against the insolvency administrator and other creditors

  • Advice to building owners in the event of insolvency of the construction company (future of the construction contract, final settlement agreement with insolvency administrator)

  • Defense against insolvency challenges by insolvency administrators

Lawyer for construction insolvency law in Hamburg

law firm in the Green Quarter

  • Advice and representation of bidders and applicants in award procedures for public construction contracts (Section 103 Paragraph 3 GWB) as well as architectural and engineering services on the basis of VOB/A, Sections 73 ff. VgV, UVgO and execution conditions of the federal states (Section 129 GWB) for awards below the current EU threshold.

  • Extrajudicial and judicial enforcement and defense of procurement law claims (e.g. claims for damages, injunctions, access to files and information)

  • Representation in review proceedings in the event of violations of procurement law before the procurement chambers pursuant to Section 155 ff. GWB (first instance in Hamburg: tax authority)

  • Legal remedy against the decisions of the public procurement boards (immediate appeal according to §§ 171 ff. GWB before the higher regional courts)

Lawyer for Procurement Law in Hamburg

law firm in the Green Quarter

  • Design and implementation of employment and training contracts in the construction industry, in particular to comply with social security regulations (main contractor liability for social security contributions in accordance with Section 28e Paragraph 3a SGB IV, Section 150 Paragraph 7 SGB VII), secondment and transfer regulations (AEntSG and AÜG), minimum wage regulations (MiLoG) and occupational health and safety regulations (BaustellV)

  • Enforcement of claims for injury compensation or injury pension against BG Bau

  • Advice on legal issues relating to skilled worker immigration (e.g. Western Balkans regulation)

  • Arbitration of labor disputes in the construction industry

Lawyer for construction labor law in Hamburg

Kanzlei im Grünen Quartier

  • Drafting and legal review of construction financing and security contracts for private and commercial purposes

  • Review and enforcement of revocation and rescission claims in the case of faulty construction financing contracts (e.g. due to breach of disclosure obligations on the part of the lender)

  • Legal support for building financing contracts, e.g. in questions regarding changes of debtor, prepayment compensation or distressed loans.

  • Legal advice on financing purchases, construction projects or modernization of existing properties through public funding (e.g. KfW loans or federal funding for efficient buildings)

Lawyer for real estate and construction financing law in Hamburg

law firm in the Green Quarter

  • Legal advice and claim assessment in classic insurance cases such as water pipe damage (sewage or drainage pipes) or fire blight

  • Legal advice and claim assessment for policyholders for building insurance, business interruption and contents insurance, home and property owner liability insurance, construction performance insurance, building owner liability insurance, business liability and construction property insurance for building contractors, etc. and professional liability insurance for architects and civil engineers

  • Judicial and extrajudicial enforcement and defense of insurance contract claims and rights against one's own insurance or that of the contractual partner (e.g. from the construction contractor's construction completion and construction warranty insurance)

Lawyer for real estate and construction insurance law in Hamburg

law firm in the Green Quarter

  • Defense in administrative offense law (fine proceedings, e.g. for violations under Section 16 of the AÜG, building without a building permit or submitting incorrect plans or documents in the building permit procedure)

  • Defense against contract or award bans in accordance with Sections 123, 124 GWB, Section 42 VgV, Section 19 MiLoG or Section 21 SchwArbG by way of self-cleaning in accordance with Section 125 GWB, the review procedure in accordance with Section 160 GWB or by an injunction.

  • Defense against entry of contract or award bans in the competition register by way of deletion due to self-cleaning according to Section 8 Paragraph 1 WRegG.

  • Defense in corporate and environmental criminal law (investigations and criminal proceedings, e.g. for illegal temporary employment, bodily harm through omission, endangering construction, withholding and embezzling wages, insolvency offenses, offenses against the environment)

Lawyer for construction criminal law in Hamburg

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