lawyer Ilir Maliqi
Legal problem in real estate or energy law?
KIGQ office Hamburg
Mexicoring 9a, 1st floor (shopping arcade)
office community BAUBOX
22297 Hamburg-Winterhude
Telephone: 040 524 704 92 (nationwide)
Ilir Maliqi in Hamburg-Winterhude bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen im
Immobilienrecht, Baurecht, Architektenrecht, Mietrecht, Energierecht sowie den benachbarten Rechtsgebieten.
Wir bewegen uns inmitten einer ökologisch-digitalen Transformation des Immobilien-, Bau- und Energiewesens und in Zeiten eines strapazierten Immobilienmarkts:
Fokus auf energieeffizientes Bauen und Wohnen
hohe Zins-, Energie- und Materialkosten
Engpass an Bauland
hohe Grund- und Grunderwerbssteuern
Verzögerungen und Kostenexplosionen bei Bauprojekten
großer Druck auf Verdichtungsräume
hohe Bürokratiekosten wegen bürokratischem Wildwuchs
lange Genehmigungs- und Gerichtsverfahren
Automatisierung und Digitalisierung des Bauwesens (BIM & Lean Management)
und weitere Faktoren sind für die Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft eine große Herausforderung.
Der Wandel ist für Sie als Bauherr, (Ver-)Mieter, Bauunternehmer, Architekt und weitere Betroffene eine spürbare Belastung.
Wir befreien Sie von quälenden Rechtsfragen im gesamten Immobilienrecht und bringen Ihr Projekt durch eine professionelle und praxis- sowie lösungsorientierte Rechtsberatung zum gelingen.
Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt →
Rechtsanwalt Ilir Maliqi
Rechtsanwalt Ilir Maliqi
Practice-oriented and individual solutions in the entire real estate and energy law from lawyer Ilir Maliqi
Your advantages at KIGQ:
You can call
at 040 524 704 95
by email to or via online form
Contact us.You can reach us directly by phone. If you send us an enquiry via email or online form, lawyer Ilir Maliqi will get back to you within 24 hours. We will take your appointment times into consideration, so please let us know.
initial assessment
You describe your concerns to the lawyer over the phone as far as you want.
You will receive an initial assessment of whether and how we can provide you with legal assistance .
If you would like detailed legal advice , we will arrange an appointment with you for a personal initial consultation in our office or via video conference.
An initial assessment by telephone is no substitute for personal legal advice. Only through personal contact can the lawyer get to know you better and thoroughly examine the factual and legal situation of your case.
personal initial consultation
During the initial personal consultation, the lawyer will explain your situation and the legal options available to successfully resolve your matter. He will also provide you with transparent information about the expected costs ( more on fees ).
After the conversation, you decide whether you want to give the lawyer the assignment or leave it at the non-binding initial consultation.
Once you have decided to take on the assignment, you will specify the scope (one or more mandates) and the type (extra-judicial or judicial representation) of the assignment to the lawyer in a client contract.
We will immediately initiate everything necessary and lead your request to success.
How to reach us
KIGQ office Hamburg-Winterhude
Mexicoring 9a, 1st floor (shopping arcade)
office community "BAUBOX"
22297 Hamburg
Telephone: 040 524 704 92 (nationwide)
Business hours: Mon.-Fri.: 09:00 - 18:00
You can find HERE a driving directions
to the KIGQoffice Hamburg-Winterhude.
KIGQ maintains close cooperation with specialists from the real estate, construction and energy industries and combines legal know-how with technical and economic aspects. You can find an overview of some of our partners here.
As a member of the German Association for Construction and Real Estate Law (DAV) and through regular training, we guarantee well-founded and practical solutions.
Our holistic approach enables comprehensive advice on all real estate-related legal issues. Contact us to discuss cooperation and create synergies.
Experts at your side!
KIGQ maintains close cooperation with specialists from the real estate, construction and energy industries and combines legal know-how with technical and economic aspects. You can find an overview of some of our partners here.
As a member of the German Association for Construction and Real Estate Law (DAV) and through regular training, we guarantee well-founded and practical solutions.
Our holistic approach enables comprehensive advice on all real estate-related legal issues. Contact us to discuss cooperation and create synergies.
What our clients say
Do you have anymore questions?
Get to know the KIGQ team!
ILIR MALIQI - lawyer and founder of the law firm in the Green Quarter
Ilir Maliqi advises you as a lawyer on all questions of real estate, construction, architectural and tenancy law.
MARTEN RAUCH - Rechtsanwalt (Of Counsel)
Marten Rauch berät Sie als Rechtsanwalt zu allen Fragen des Immobilienwirtschafts-, Bau-, Architekten- und Mietrecht.
We are here for you
- Lawyer Ilir Maliqi -
KIGQ office Hamburg -Winterhude
Mexicoring 9a, 1st floor (shopping arcade)
office community "BAUBOX"
22297 Hamburg
Telephone : 040 524 704 92 (nationwide)
Business hours: Mon.-Fri.: 09:00 - 18:00